- What is SNA?
- Small World.
- Concepts
- Examples
- Explore
15th April, 19:30, ISCTE-IUL Edificio 2, Sala C509
Vasco Monteiro, PhD Student and Invited Assistant, Master in Information Management (Universidade Nova de Lisboa – Portugal). Research interests include crowdsourcing geographic knowledge, volunteered geographic information, location-based social network, social media, text mining, sentiment analysis, and social network analysis. Currently, he is interested in topics related to big data and social media and its role in assessing the reputation of world heritage using social media data. As part of his research Vasco is currently working with Twitter feeds and he is exploring techniques such as topic modelling; extraction of entities, such as places within the Twitter text; and sentiment analysis; and performing spatio-temporal analysis.
A entrada é livre, no entanto agradecemos o registo por uma questão de logistica. Obrigado.